Welcome to the Naturopathy therapeutic Sushiveda program, which is a system based on the synthesis of Tibetan Sowa-Rigpa medicine and Indian – Ayurvedic medicine as well Persian – Unani medicine. Sowa-Rigpa commonly known as Amchi or Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest surviving and weldment medical traditions of the world. The treatment has four major sections ─ diet, behaviour, medicine and accessory / external therapies. Minor ailments can be treated with proper regulation of diet and behaviour only; a patient with medium state of condition can be treated with nature medicine like decoction, powder, pills, purgatives, emetics, etc. and in advanced stages disease can be cured by application of accessory / external therapies like moxibustion, venesection, fomentation, massage, surgery, etc. As mentioned above in the outline of disease all disorders can be condensed into three humours, accordingly the treatment of disease is also possible under three-humour basis. Buddhist rituals and mantra also play a very important role in the treatment of disease and in pharmaceutical process, etc.